For Thanksgiving I (Sarah) wanted to take pictures of things we didn't have last year that I am thankful we have this year.
Soil Fertility in Raised Garden Beds
(from July 2010 to now)
Cider Orchard
(from April 2011 to now)
Trees Cleared
(from April 2011 to now)
Heidi and Marty bought a shed.
Marty and Mick set it up.

I call it a garage, it is huge!

This is one is hard for me to believe, but this time last year we had two animals. Throughout the course of this year, we had something like 46.
Rabbits and a Hutch
Sheep, a Shelter, and a Fence
Roscoe is also thankful for the sheep.
Chickens, Geese, and Ducks
Enjoying apples from our newly discovered wild apple orchard.
A Coop, a Pond, and Fence Posts
A Backyard, including garden beds and blueberries
And the piles of lumber are mostly gone.
(from spring 2011 to now)
And most amazing of all!
(from last Thanksgiving to this one)

Happy Thanksgiving indeed!