The cheesemaking continues! Mick is our resident expert cheese-waxer. After making the cheese, we set it in the fridge (a cool, dry place) for a couple of days to let it dry out and begin to form a rind.
Then we melt the cheese wax in a double boiler. (All donations of wax gladly accepted and added to the pot!) :)
Once the wax is melted, Mick dips the cheese in, one half at a time.
He blows on it to cool it off.
Then dips the other half.
He dips it again in the other two directions, so that the whole thing is covered twice.
It'll set in the back room (since it stays quite cool) for a few weeks until we crack it open! In the meantime, the whey is transformed into ricotta, which makes the most delicious pizzas! (This one was a meat-lover's.)
We also made a pizza with leftover ham that we thought turned out rather beautiful.
In other news, Mick made some blackcap wine a few weeks ago (trying to clean out the berries in the freezer). He saved the juice that was left over from the pulp after racking the wine, and it was sitting in a bowl in the fridge. (I was adding it to yogurt.) A few days later, when he sampled the juice, he was surprised by how juicy it was and suggested we make snow-cones! So we went outside and scooped up what we hoped was clean snow :) and poured the juice over it. It was delicious, and very fun!
We did find some surprises in the snow, but none that adversely affected the taste or healthfulness, and they did provide quite a nice garnish. :)