Tuesday, October 2

Cabin Evening

Blogging has been slim, in part because I think it is impossible to capture in a picture the beautiful times we have been having at the cabin, but here's a bit of a try...

Our wood stove and Dutch ovens are more than broken in now. The stove keeps the cabin quite toasty! and we have successfully cooked sausage and kraut, oatmeal, pizza, bread, soup, hot water for tea and for cleaning, toasted sandwiches, pancakes...

A fairly new addition is our Dutch trawler lamp, which sheds a remarkable amount of light through the whole room.

We were concerned how such a bright lamp might change the character of the room, but we LOVE it!

Mickey forged the hook for hanging the lamp. (Unfortunately, the camera was on my Most Wanted List at the time, so I didn't get any pictures of that.)

We hope you'll come experience it for yourself some time!

The Goat Shed Begins

 Mickey laid out the foundation by digging a trench and lining it with bags filled with various sorts of rubble.

 He built up sturdy foundation posts, using stones, bricks, and cement, to reinforce structural posts.

 He used posts and logs left over from building the cabin.

We think the goats will be very happy here! The wild turkeys certainly seem to enjoy it...

First Cabin Brew

 Mickey rigged up an outdoor cooking area for this brew. (My reaction to it didn't come out quite right, but it was something like, "That's not what I thought it was going to look like. That looks good!" - both statements were true, but...)
 Plenty of room for sweet corn, from a local farm.

 Two pots going to get the maximal goodness out of the grains and extract.

 Classic. (and delicious)

Checking on the progress.
 In the basement to (rather noisily) ferment!

The Cost of Electricity These Days

 Digging a trench from the solar panel to the cabin, I thought Mickey looked very John Henry-esque.
Ready for the line (in the conduit) to be buried!

Moving In


After passing the plumbing inspection, Mickey got back to work on the shower.

Plywood and hardiebacker completed.

Painting on a weird blue waterproof layer (that's not its official name).

It's such an aquatic color!

Tile for the curb and stones for the floor.

Grouted! (mostly)

 Walls tiled and porcelain tiling units installed.

 The finished product, including grout, shower fixtures, and a lamp.

And of course the completed floor!

 Next to the shower, the utility sink.

 On the opposite side of the bathroom, the bathroom sink.

While in the basement, the water in the cistern patiently waits.

From the cistern to the pressure tank, to the hot water heater, and beyond!