No cheese post yet (although I will try to remember to take some pictures the next time we try a batch). But we are beginning to put up some food, which is pretty exciting! We visited DeWitt's, a local produce shop, to pick up some garlic and Mick spotted bunches of old bananas on the "buyer beware" discount table. So we brought them home, sliced them up, and dehydrated them. They are a delicious snack! I had dehydrated some last summer and they were good but pretty sticky to chew. I munched on them a little last year then kind of forgot about them until a few weeks ago. Mick thinks that maybe they rehydrated a little since last summer -- whatever the magic was, they were so good and had lost their taffy quality. Delicious!

And these pictures are just because I think they're cute. :) My brother's girlfriend Tia more or less adopted a stray cat that was hanging around her apartment. But when she moved to a new apartment (no pets allowed), she asked us to keep an eye on him up here until she has a place where he can live with her. So Louie moved from West Chester, PA to McGraw, and promptly discovered that our neighbors across the street have a lovely cat-friendly barn and field and put out food scraps (much more delicious than the dry cat food that we put out for him). So he spends most of his time over there and not with us, which I can't blame him for. :) But he was in our backyard this week, and Mick managed to give him some treats (part of our quest to lure him back to our side of Academy Street) and take some pictures.

He brought a friend along with him too.

He really loves his treats! Seafood flavors are his favorite, I have been told. Tia told me he was kind of a pig and now I see what she means. Gerard loves his food but Louie really goes at it quite enthusiastically! :)

He is really a sweet cat and we are hoping to see more of him! :)
Isn't he though? :)