And there are lots more beans on the way!
I planted some salad greens in the shade of the scarlet runner beans. I didn't know how well they would come up, but it looks like we will at least have some lettuce, mustard, and endive.
The cucumbers are finally starting to take over. If you look closely, you may be able to see the scarlet runner bean flowering in between the two cucumber plants.
Our first cucumber! I actually picked our first four yesterday (they had grown considerably since I took this picture), and there are plenty more flowers on the way.
Our volunteer squash is making itself right at home next to the onion and garlic bed. Every day we trim it back so it doesn't take over the onions and garlic...or the cherries...or the gooseberries. It cuts down on the mowing and weeding though!
The purple stalks of sweet corn and the deep green vine of a winter squash or pumpkin (I can't remember which). :)
The lemon balm looks as lovely as it smells. We can't wait to make tea with it!
The hops are still climbing, and the cones look beautiful.
The comfrey looks bigger every day. By now (a few days after I took this picture), there is very little mulch visible in the bed at all. And we had given up a couple of these plants as "probably dead" not too long ago!
Pizza anyone?
Ooh, I like pizza. :)
ReplyDeleteI brewed and used some of my fresh Centennial hops! Yours look awesome!!
ReplyDeletemmm, that sounds amazing! I can't wait to try it. I'm excited for Mick to be able to use his too.