Then he deep fried them in peanut oil.
Put them in a sieve and refrigerated them before deep-frying them again (this apparently is his secret to making them restaurant-quality).
It even looks like the way they serve them at restaurants!
He wasn't so happy about having to pose for the camera though. (Doesn't he do the best pouty face ever?) :)
Now to the animal segment of this post, Mick took Roscoe up to the hill with him one day last week after we had had a pretty dramatic rainy spell. The grass was still pretty wet, and Roscoe wasn't too happy about hanging out in the wet grass. :)
Gerard likes his little perches throughout the house. We have the shades pulled down in the back room, and the other day I watched him hop on top of the bookshelf, then onto the windowsill. I was thinking that I should open the shade for him so that he could look out the window -- but he took care of that himself, and pushed his way between the shade and the window and curled up to watch the great outdoors. It was very cute. :) He also seems to enjoy boxes.
As far as putting up, just before Mick left for his military school last week, we had a kraut marathon. We listened to Bob (our favorite talk radio show) and chopped 5 huge heads of cabbage (purchased at a very reasonable $2 a pop) and managed to fill a 10-gallon crock with kraut!
We are looking forward to more and more fall (and I am looking forward to Mick coming home again!)
Keeping the home-fires burning...
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