The workers set up on Friday and started working Monday.
By close of business Tuesday (July 26):
West gable end framed (including window) and partially sheathed.
Three posts cut and set in place (and braced):
2 8x8 (from loft subfloor), 1 6x6 (from main subfloor).
Ridge beam set in place.
Wednesday: East gable end partially framed.
Loft rafters cut and in place.
Mick made sure there was fuel for the generator and gas can.

We enjoyed our skylights while they lasted. :)

Thursday morning: More rafters cut and ready to go.
Dave finishes framing the east gable end.
By close of business Thursday:
East gable end completely framed and sheathed.
Rafters completed.

A tour, from the loft near the front door, from east to west.

Monday, August 1:
Fascia and sheathing of roof and gable ends complete.

Window cut out of west gable end.
The camera actually used the flash inside the cabin.
It officially counts as an indoor structure now!

I (Sarah) liked the light sneaking through the vent along the ridge.
It feels soooooo different now!
Ice and water shield and felt paper for roof and east gable end.
Siding begun on east gable end.

At last!