Tuesday, January 24
Today after work we drove up to the hill and Mick told me to close my eyes. I opened them to...
I couldn't believe it! (Can you?!) It is really starting to feel like a home! He saved for me the honor of being the first person to walk up the stairs. He was the second.
The bedroom even starts to feel like a bedroom!
I couldn't believe it! (Can you?!) It is really starting to feel like a home! He saved for me the honor of being the first person to walk up the stairs. He was the second.
Definitely the most exciting flight of stairs I have ever seen!
Then he told me to close my eyes again. This time I opened them to...
Our mantle is a 4x8 very solidly attached to the wall behind it. Doesn't it look amazing? Mick reminded me that that is where we will be hanging our Christmas stockings! (this year!!)
Next project: how to celebrate?
Sunday, January 22
All in a Sunday Afternoon
Mick predicted that today would be a glorious day.
This morning he worked on the hill while I worked in the village. Then we shared leftover soup for lunch (thanks, Heidi), shopped for poultry online, and read about honeybees inbook until Mick thawed out, at which point we returned to the hill.
Here is the photographer's log of what ensued.
Mick shows off his work from the morning.
I show off my gloved thumb.
(Thanks, Marty and Heidi, for the gloves.)
The first three treads, with the accompanying paneling.
The first bit of interior finishing work!
Roscoe and I left Mick to his work.
We headed down to the sheep pasture.
Roscoe and Bear invented a new game:
Bear tries to butt Roscoe.
Roscoe tries to escape.
They both seemed to enjoy themselves!
I turned over the hardwood branch
and Lady and Fearful munched the fresh bark.
Very out of character for her!
Then we headed back to the cabin for an update.
More paneling!
The paneling glows in the afternoon sun.
The look from the outside of the staircase.
The less attractive pieces of paneling
now adorn our bedroom closet.
Roscoe and I returned to outdoor duty
while Mick plowed the driveway
(now that the diesel had thawed).
The birds, free range this afternoon,
settled down under the rabbit hutch.
The Kubota blade does a great job plowing.
Roscoe must have learned from the birds how to keep his feet warm.
He's an awkward-looking biped though.
And back up the driveway!
Fresh water and food for the birds, huzzah!
One hen plays it safe though.
No way is she leaving the coop!
She'll stick with the inside food.
Can't keep the waterfowl out of the water though.
Drinking and preening and splashing, oh my!
Is it time to go home NOW?!
Oh my goodness, six treads now, halfway to the top!
What a glorious day!
Saturday, January 21
Indoor Projects
Gerard made himself a comfortable bed
out of the blankets collected on his rocking chair.
Mystery solved!
Mickey now has many gallons brewing
of various batches of cider, wine, and beer.
out of the blankets collected on his rocking chair.
One day we were talking about whether or not Mick would have the time to do bees this year in addition to everything else he is planning. The next day, I came home from work to...
Another day I came home from work to a suspicious scene of empty bottles.Mystery solved!
Mickey now has many gallons brewing
of various batches of cider, wine, and beer.
Mick recognized that the cabbage we have been munching (purchased from DeWitt's several months ago) was beginning to sprout. He planted the heel of the cabbage and the growth has been tremendous!
Sunday, January 15
After the Storm
The cold stuck around today (negative ten?!)
but lots of sunshine and no more snow!
The birds loved the sunshine!...
...until they got fresh warm water,
which they enjoyed as long as it remained unfrozen.
You might not believe me, seeing as it's snow-covered,
but the coop roof is now officially shingled!
The sheep had all been hanging out in their shelter
but suspected we might come bearing gifts.
Winter At Last
Winter finally made its appearance here this weekend,
dumping nine or so inches of snow Friday and Saturday
and keeping the temperature rather below zero.
Hooray for Shetland sheep!
They certainly don't seem to mind winter.
Snow? What snow?
They love their evergreen needles and hardwood buds and bark.
And don't forget the hay!
The hay stays warm and dry in the shed.
The ducks and geese come out of the coop occasionally
and brave the snowdrifts.
The hens are much more hesitant to leave the coop.
Whereas Roscoe loves to come along on the adventure...
until he decides it's too cold to do anything except look longingly at the car.
He definitely prefers to be home with a massive bone!
Stay warm! :)
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