We are enjoying all of our animals enjoying the spring!

One of our Khakis discovered a leek,
and discovered that they are tasty.

We are so proud of the nest that Rosie built in her box!

We hope she is getting ready to be a mama!

The proud papa.

The sheep have been eating less hay as the pasture begins to grow.
On the way back up from the sheep pen, an apple tree, complete with leaves!

The piles of hay in the sheep pasture in the background mark the future home of cider trees.
The grass and especially the clover that Mickey planted along the driveway last year has greened up beautifully! It is hard to remember that it was bare, rocky dirt not too long ago.

And while Gerard enjoys climbing his crabapple tree, he still spends an awful lot of time inside just chilling out.

Sweet dreams!

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