Mickey has been converting frozen sap to delicious maple syrup.
The bird feeders continue to be a hub of activity, including redpolls.
Meanwhile, the hens found themselves a nice spot under the Kubota in the shed.
One of the ducks had a bit of difficulty navigating the hay bales. (It may be hard to see in the picture -- she fell between two hay bales and got quite stuck!)
An empty nest in the corner of the coop.
Not so empty! The geese fastidiously build the nest each day, and cover the eggs when they leave.
We enjoyed a visit with my (Sarah's) folks last weekend, including some help with the firewood.
We have also been enjoying the double rocker they bought for us, along with the oil lamp in the background. (And that's our new phone -- you get reception anywhere in the house! not just hanging out the loft window. Sheer decadence!)
Gilly and Son spend most of their time like this.
I saw a crow building a nest yesterday, and thought, "That's what we're doing!" We'll be ready for our own eggs to hatch soon.
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